Exhibitions 2015
2015 spring and summer exhibitions
• on 24 to 31th Mai & on 22 to 28 June exhibition
41, Rue Vandrezanne at "La Butte aux Cailles" Paris 75013
M° Tolbiac or Place d'Italie from 11 am to 19 pm
• on 1st april to 30th Juin exhibition " LES PEPITES "(via Histoire d'Envies)
95, Rue Nollet Paris 75017, Métro Brochant from 11 am to 19 pm
• on 11 and 12 April at Salon des Artisans d'Art de la Vallée de Chevreuse in Moulin d'Ors at Châteaufort (78) with 34 craftsmen
• on 10 to 12 April at la fête des Plantes at Saint Jean de Beauregard 91 a 30 mn next to Paris one of the most beautiful exhibition of plants in a wonderful setting
• on 6 to 8 march at CREAMODE at Bourg la Reine (92) next to Paris direct with RER BOURG LA REINE "Espace les Colnnes" 51 bld du Maréchal Joffre Bourg la Reine (92)
• on 9 to 22 march at Galerie L11 11 rue Letort Paris 75018 M° Jules Joffrin with other designers